Upgrade laptop screen to FHD

Upgrade laptop screen to FHD (Fail)

I purchased this 1920x1080 screen from ebay to replace my 1366x768 screen.

Unfortunately it didn't work out that well.

Computer / GPU info

Computer: Toshiba Satellite L750-21N (PSK1WE-15F00MN5)

GPU: Intel HD Graphics 2000 (device id 0106). The max resolution should be 2560x1600 ( ref and ref )

When I connect an external 1920x1080 screen it works great.

Symptom: Green screen

It looks as if all green pixels are on max all the time.

Areas that are supposed to be black becomes green, and if you look a closer you see that it is green striped.

White areas look OK.

The purchased screen (left) vs a reference screen.

Possible causes

Poorly packed

It was very poorly packed. I've worked myself with packing stuff, and a rule I was told is that if you shake the package you should not be able to hear anything moving around inside.

With this package it was enough to tilt it to hear the screen sliding and hitting the edges inside.

Some kind of limitation between the graphics card and the screen, some firmware lock or something

I've also found posts saying that one can run a hack on the Intel HD Graphics 2000 (a firmware hack assume) to get the full resolution (ref).

Can one put a functioning FHD screen in a functioning L750-computer and expect it to work?

I contacted the Toshiba support in EU (with this thread).

Then I tried the Toshiba support in US (with this thread).

Update 2016-May I found this link http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/can-the-asus-15-6-1366x768-display-be-upgraded-to-1920x1080.628140/ A bit down there is an entry with similar symptoms where the writer replaced the cable an made it work.